The Deskless Report 2024
From circumstance to choice: The frontline’s new path forward
Frontline employees, managers and executives in retail, grocery, foodservice, hospitality and distribution and logistics told us about their experiences in 2024. We uncovered urgent challenges and the key tactics needed to make meaningful change right now.

Our 6th annual frontline research report explores the current state of the frontline and what organizations can start doing today to earn a better tomorrow
Though the daily chaos of the last two years has subsided, frontline challenges persist. But organizations that focus on actionable opportunities can provide the right support for these skilled professionals and illuminate a path forward.
Take a peek at the top takeaways and download the Deskless Report here.
What makes a great day, according to the frontline

Across all industries, employees ranked a sense of accomplishment above money, signaling that workers are motivated by the impact they can make every day, not just a bigger paycheck.
Go all-in on empowering managers
Managers feel overburdened and lack confidence, spending too much time on non-managerial work and not enough on skill or leadership development. Not surprisingly, this is taking a toll, with 40% of managers saying they feel burned out on a daily basis. They want better compensation and recognition, continuous training and stronger support to do their jobs well.
of managers say they’re “making it up as they go along” at least some of the time.
The frontline’s biggest challenges
- Finding and keeping people
- Dealing with customers
- Workload
- Challenging customers
- Meeting goals
- Staffing
Prepare the frontline for customer conflicts
Difficult customers are a given, but properly handling these encounters is among the top three challenges on the frontline, according to employees and managers. They’re asking for real skills, clear rules of conduct and adequately staffed teams to prepare them for tough interactions.
Turn communication challenges into opportunities
Significant gaps in the quality, impact and frequency of communication and feedback affect frontline morale and efficiency. The right skills and channels are required to foster effective day-to-day communication, improving overall employee satisfaction and operational success.
of frontline employees find communication in their organization at least somewhat helpful, significantly lower than the 89% of managers and execs who feel the same.
“I am considering leaving my current job”
Invest in building a frontline community
Building a community isn’t just about hiring more people. It’s about creating an environment where workers feel seen, supported, connected and loyal. Although fewer workers are considering leaving their jobs this year (the frontline average is 32%, down 7% from 2022), losing even some of these workers would heavily burden already strained teams.
Lean on frontline tech (aka less hype, more help)
Over half (54%) of frontline managers feel short-staffed, so it’s clear they need more support. While additional resources may not always be an option, technology offers an alternative. But the real opportunity isn’t just adopting AI or the latest tech for the sake of it—it’s about investing in tools that provide tangible support to this workforce.
of managers want training on AI tools.
Ready to uncover the current state of the frontline? Download The Deskless Report 2024 today.
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