
Just launched: The Deskless Report 2024 

Posted on: October 29, 2024Updated on: January 30, 2025By: Kinjal Dagli

Frontline challenges have evolved—here’s how to keep up

Deskless Report Cover

When we last examined the state of the frontline two years ago, our findings showed a frontline stretched thin, balancing burnout, uncertainty and reactive decisions in the aftermath of the pandemic. Fast forward to 2024, and while some challenges have eased, others persist, reshaping the realities of frontline work. 

Our new Deskless Report 2024 dives into this evolution, sharing fresh insights from five industries: retail, grocery, foodservice, hospitality and distribution and logistics. We polled nearly 800 respondents, including executives, managers and employees, on themes like daily challenges, communication effectiveness, training needs and use of technology. 

So, where do frontline organizations go from here? We’ve identified key insights that reveal what’s really happening and how businesses can create a better experience for their teams—starting today.

Here’s a glimpse:

1. From crisis mode to guarded optimism

The daily chaos has subsided, with fewer employees feeling burned out and more expressing optimism about their future. 

But that doesn’t mean all is well—there’s still a long way to go. Challenges like understaffing and burnout linger, creating a reality where “less bad” still isn’t good enough.

77% of frontline employees describe themselves as somewhat happy at work, but executives tend to overestimate this satisfaction at 92%. Bridging this perception gap is essential for true progress.

2. Career advancement isn’t always the answer

There’s a widespread belief that offering career growth opportunities will automatically improve frontline satisfaction. But the data tells a different story. While over half (56%) of managers express interest in career development and upskilling, only 41% of frontline employees share that same desire. Their focus is on succeeding today, not necessarily climbing the ladder tomorrow.

This means that while career paths matter, companies must prioritize immediate needs like stability and support before aiming for long-term growth. Addressing issues such as inconsistent schedules, lack of communication and limited access to tools can make a bigger impact to them having a great shift, today.

3. Empower your managers to drive change

Managers sit at the intersection of employee needs and company goals, making them critical to solving frontline challenges. Yet, their needs for support and training often go unmet—in fact, our research shows that 67% of managers feel like they are “making it up as they go along” at work at least some of the time.  

In addition, while our report reveals that 66% of managers feel their organization invests in their growth, many still face daily hurdles. To create a more sustainable frontline environment, companies must focus on empowering managers and helping them support their teams more effectively.

Intentional changes—like offering more training and prioritizing well-being—can significantly impact managers’ confidence to lead.

Ready to dive deeper?

The Deskless Report 2024 is packed with insights and actionable solutions to tackle the frontline’s toughest challenges. From improving communication to creating a sense of community among employees, our report is a must-read for anyone looking to make a difference in the lives of frontline workers.

👉 Get the full report and see how you can turn today’s challenges into tomorrow’s opportunities.

Kinjal Dagli

Kinjal Dagli is a former journalist turned content marketer on a mission to create valuable and relevant content for L&D professionals.

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