The key to solving frontline employee engagement? Axonify.

It starts with our frontline formula and 83% daily user engagement rate. Then we take learning and layer on the tools that HR and frontline managers need to propel employee engagement like never before.

Empower L&D, HR and Operations with the tools to tackle employee engagement—together

A holistic approach to employee engagement—one that sets teams up for success—includes daily microlearning, two-way communication and real-time chat, on-the-job support and the recognition workers need to feel confident in what they do. And it all needs to happen in a single, unified experience for your frontline.

Screenshots of communication features in Axonify

Keep lines of communication open—without the overwhelm

Create an efficient two-way flow of information with centralised communication and feedback channels. Critical communication from leadership and frontline managers get prioritised, while embedded communications features like chat keep teams aligned and solving problems in real-time.

Invest in employee performance and growth

Help your people build the skills needed to future-proof your organisation. Data and employee feedback give leaders meaningful insights to coach, inspire and optimise at scale.

Screenshot of leader insights available in Axonify
Screenshots of recognition features in Axonify

Celebrate achievements and bring the big picture into focus

Behaviours that are recognised are the ones that get repeated. Even small recognition gestures show employees they’re appreciated for a job well done, boosting motivation so they’ll want to go above and beyond more often. Recognition, built right inside Axonify.

Tap into the pulse of your team—instantly

Push out employee engagement pulse checks or surveys, and quickly get back the critical intel you need to stay agile and responsive. Axonify is a direct line to your frontline so you can stay connected and see how (and where) you’re moving the needle forward on engagement. 

Gif of Max AI Conversation

Empower your frontline with AI that gives them answers in the moment of need

No more tracking down co-workers or overburdening managers. Axonify’s AI-powered assistant provides answers and access to critical on-the-job information in seconds so employees can self-serve in the flow of work. 

Help new hires fit in, fast

Start employees off strong by putting down the firehose

Check out our onboarding solution

Axonify is more than an LMS—we’re a one-stop destination for your frontline

 And unlike a typical LMS, we have the tools that bring L&D, HR and frontline managers together so you can enable AND engage your teams from one platform. Because happy employees are enabled employees who are more likely to learn, retain and grow. That’s a win-win-win.

High-impact employee recognition

Recognition Pins allow managers and peers to acknowledge an employee’s hard work—and the recipient gets points.

Self Directed Skills Training And Development
Self-directed upskilling and development

Workers looking to develop their careers or cross-skill to another department can search and enroll in additional training paths.

Gamified Experience
Gamified experience

Our blend of games, points and reward systems helps workers find their own motivations to log in every shift.

Central Homepage Timeline
Two-way communications

From top-down broadcast messages and announcements to pulse surveys, Axonify’s two-way communication hub is built to reach every worker, across every location.

Screenshot of Recognition Pins in Axonify
Screenshots of self-directed training paths in Axonify
Screenshots of gamification features in Axonify
Screenshot of communication features in Axonify

Want to reap the benefits of a high-performing frontline?

Your efforts will only make an impact if you can reach frontline employees where they are. An unprecedented 83% of Axonify users log in to train 2-3 times a week. Let’s solve frontline training—and employee engagement—together.