Media Coverage
Are Learning Issues Affecting Your Company
Does every employee in your organization—regardless of role, tenure, location, or identity—have an equitable opportunity to develop their knowledge and skills? If an honest assessment of your workplace learning culture led you to answer no, keep reading. If you arrived at a fast yes, consider a few additional factors:
- Does your organization exclude certain groups from learning programs due to expected high turnover?
- Does the depth and availability of learning programs vary based on where a person works, such as in the office, at home, or in a frontline location?
- Does your company use training as a reward, thereby restricting development to top performers and perceived favorites?
- Do required programs, such as onboarding and compliance training, make up the bulk of some audiences’ formal development, leaving them to figure out the rest on their own?
- Do development opportunities require access to specific technology that is not available within every employee’s workflow?
When you add those considerations to your learning equity assessment, is your answer still yes?
Read the full article from TD Magazine